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分派餘款登記 – 登記期已完結

Dear members, regarding the distribution of surplus funds, the registration period has come to an end by 11 Jan 2024. The Union will process all registrations as soon as practicable.

分派餘款登記 – 登記人聲明

Dear members, regarding the distribution of surplus funds, the registration period has come to an end by 11 Jan 2024. The Union will process all registrations as soon as practicable. This web page is only for members making re-submission of their registrations.

Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (“HKPTU”) has engaged Acclime Corporate Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited (“Acclime”, formerly known as RSM Corporate Advisory (Hong Kong) Limited) to handle the distribution of the surplus funds. I hereby acknowledge and agree that my information (including personal data) will be handled by the Union, Acclime and related contractors for the sole purpose of the distribution of HKPTU’s surplus funds; the information (including personal data) will be destroyed upon completion of the distribution and audit.

Distribution of surplus funds – FAQs

This list of FAQs consists of 5 sections and 1 appendix:

A. Qualification criteria
B. Registration procedures
C. Receiving the surplus funds
D. Prevention of fraudulent acts and protection of personal data
E. Others
Appendix: Electronic registration procedure

+ A. Qualification criteria

+ B. Registration procedures

+ C. Receiving the surplus funds

+ D. Prevention of fraudulent acts and protection of personal data

+ E. Others

+ Appendix: Electronic registration procedure

教協餘款分派 – 常見問題


A. 資格準則
B. 登記手續
C. 收取餘款
D. 防止偽冒及保障個人資料
E. 其他
附錄: 使用電子登記表格流程

+ A. 資格準則

+ B. 登記手續

+ C. 收取餘款

+ D. 防止偽冒及保障個人資料

+ E. 其他

+ 附錄:使用電子表格登記流程

分派餘款 – 致會員信函

The Union‘s letter to members can be downloaded here.

分派餘款 – 凱晉信函

Acclime‘s letter can be downloaded here.

分派餘款登記 – 表格

Dear members, regarding the distribution of surplus funds, the registration period has come to an end by 11 Jan 2024. The Union will process all registrations as soon as practicable. This web page is only for members making re-submission of their registrations.